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Noscomial infections

We worked for setting a international network that aims at reducing healthcare-associated infections. International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) was established in 2002.

The INICC methodology is disseminated and continues to be made increasingly known worldwide and we joined INICC and I have been working as coutry coordinator since 2002. By 2015, over 2,000 investigators participate actively in INICC, reporting their data from over 2,000 healthcare centers in 500 cities of 66 countries in four continents. By participating in this multicentric study, healthcare workers acquire new and useful tools to obtain improvements in infection control rates in each hospital, and thus, reduce extended length of stay, attributable cost and mortality. The information collected is integrated with the information from other centers, thus obtaining the possibility of designing useful and cost-effective interventions from a global/worldwide perspective.

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